Supported by solid evidence, biogas is becoming one of the most interesting sources of energy, for people, business and public service agencies, even in the USA. The pic on the top of this article is a clear demontration of this statement. Data doesn’t lie, and...
“IT’S A NEW YEAR, IT’S A NEW DAY, IT’S A NEW LIFE…” Another iconic music verse, that what we need in the beginning of this 2025. A new year here in EBC Energy, that we want to start in the proper way. That’s why...
The story related to renewable energy technologies and biomethane in particular, is beyond any doubts, full of steps behind and beyond. In a really uncertain period, for the development and spreading of business opportunities, in matter of clean energy, we want to...
Business In about a week we will be in St. Louis to take part in “BUSINESS OF BIOGAS”, the event that match the needs of producers and customers in matter of energy solution The meeting will take place at the Four season Hotel and it will...
AUTUMN IS COMING it’s not some kind of Game of Thrones imitation game. It’s just September, and from the astronomical point of view in one week it will be autumn. But we want to analyse the situation from our position. September is always a turning...
Let’s suppose that one of your intermediate goals, is to create the right conditions for an investment We have the perfect tools and technologies to test the fitness of this set… Have you ever heard about Greenfield and Brownfield Projects ...